Personal Training

Health and Fitness

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Want some ongoing personal attention? Get a little extra help from a certified Y fitness trainer who will develop, monitor and modify your exercise program to meet your individual needs.

Partner Personal Training - 1 session

You and your partner will receive personalized interaction with direct instruction that focuses on achieving realistic goals.

Pilates Reformer - 10, private 1 hr sessions

This unique class is performed on a specialized piece of equipment called the Reformer.

Pilates Reformer - Duet - 10, 1 hour sessions

This unique class is performed on a specialized piece of equipment called the Reformer.

Private Yoga - 10, 1-hour sessions

Private yoga is an incredible way to cultivate your yoga practice in a way that?s as individual as you are.

Small Group Training - Pilates Reformer Level I/II

Small Group Training - Pilates Reformer Level I/II

Small Group Training - Tween Girl Power!

Let the Y help your tween during these crucial adolescent years learn how to grow stronger and more fit while having fun!

Small Group Training - Tween Titans

Tween Fitness (for boys 8-13) Let the Y help your tween during these crucial adolescent years learn how to grow stronger and more fit while having